Postion available at Skyline Gallery Skyline Gallery Sales position available. We are looking for a sales assistant in the Gallery to work part-time. Experience...
Don’t miss fundraiser Pobalscoil Inbhear Scéine Coffee Morning Fundraiser for a Defibrillator In the Lansdowne Hotel Friday April 4th 10am – 1.30pm...
Kenmare Tri Club RELAY TEAMS WANTED URGENTLY. WHY NOT ORGANISE A TEAM FROM YOUR WORKPLACE? Now that the evenings are getting longer,...
Kenmare Athletics Club The following officers were elected at the AGM. President Sean Daly; Chairperson Conor Daly; Secretary Tessa Dennison; Treasurer Tom...
Greater Kenmare Area Tourism Information Evening A Tourism Information Evening on the Sheen Valley Heritage Area and the Wild Atlantic Way will be held in...
Congratulations! The first Kenmare Biennial Lace Festival was held from October 3rd to 6th 2013. It was an amazing event...
Poetry, Please! A reminder to all our poets! Open submissions are now being sought for inclusion in the Speaking for Scéine...
Gardening with Simon Well, the storms appear to have all passed over and we can get down to repairing the damage and...
All welcome to Kenmare Macra Quiz night All welcome to Kenmare Macra Quiz night Good Friday April 18th at 8.30pm Pobalscoil Inbhear Sceine. Raffle with fabulous prizes