Kenmare & District Garden Club

“From Wasteland to Jungle” was the intriguing title of Verney Naylor’s talk and slide show on Thursday, 8th May and what an informative and interesting evening it was. Verney explained how gardens grow and develop, how they often start out as a piece of waste ground around the house which is then landscaped and planted and how in the end, if not kept under control the plants take over and one has a jungle out the back!! She used four gardens as examples of what can be done from scratch, including her own lovely cottage garden, and it was wonderful to see how the plots matured as the plants and trees grew and then made their own landscape.

Excitement mounts as the trip to Wexford, Waterford and Northern Ireland on 14th – 17th May gets closer. Will report on this next month.

On Thursday, 5th June Hester Forde will be telling us about Tresco, that almost tropical island in the Scilly Isles, well known for its variety of plants. This should be a very interesting evening and starts at 7.30. p.m. at Gateway. Hope to see you all there.
