CoderDojo computer coding for young people aged 7-17

CoderDojo is a free, volunteer led coding club for young people between 7 and 17, aimed at providing young coders with the opportunity to learn how to code, develop websites, apps, programs, games and more.
Some dates for your diaries, we are planning CoderDojo sessions on the following dates.
Sat 24th February
Sat 24th March
Sat 21st April
All sessions are in room 1A, Pobalscoil Inbhear Scéine from 10am to 12 noon.
Come along and avail of the FREE high-speed broadband … we will be on hand to help and guide you if needed.
Bring a fully-charged laptop, power-supply and mouse, or email to reserve a laptop for use on the day.
Primary age coders must be accompanied by a parent or guardian – there will be newspapers, conversation, coffee and biscuits to keep you entertained, or you are free to join in to pick up some programming skills for yourself.
For more information see the next issue of the Kenmare News, or find us on Facebook (“coder dojo Kenmare”).

Mentors Needed! If you have some programming experience programming and could spare a couple of hours to help we’d love to hear from you – leave a message on our facebook page, or just come along to a session or event to find out more.
