Blackwater Drama Production. The latest original play ‘Holy Smoke’, which sold out last weekend, will be on again this Thursday 18t,h Friday 19th and Saturday 20th May in O’Neill’s Hall Blackwater; doors open 7.30pm, play at 8pm sharp.
Qigong Classes in Tavern every Wednesday evening 6.30pm to 7.30pm (gentle exercise to music) with Bob Martin. All Welcome, no charge.
Garden Visit. Trip to the Steve and Louise Austen’s garden, Blackwater, is on Saturday June 3rd. Please ring Tavern 064-6682003 to book.
Blackwater Women’s Group. Next meeting Tuesday June 13th at 8pm with topics including Blackwater Sports. Guest Speaker is Marie Holmes the Writer in Residence with Kerry County Council. This is a great opportunity to tap into your creativity and explore creative writing.
Seniors Alert Alarm Scheme. Blackwater Women’s Group are affiliated to POBAL and can apply for Free Personal Monitored Alarms which enable older people to live securely in their homes with confidence & independence. Application forms and information leaflets are available in O’Neill’s Shop Blackwater. Monitoring is free for the first 12 months.
Text Alert Members with smart phones can download the Cairde App, this can alert the neighbours or emergency services if activated by pressing the red button. Application forms for Text Alert System are available in O’Neill’s Shop Blackwater. Membership is €10.
Defibrillators Blackwater/Templenoe. There are five open access defibrillators in the area and all are on (NAS) National Ambulance Service’s database. They are located at Templenoe Church, Templenoe GAA Pitch, Dromore GAA Pitch, Blackwater Tavern and John Sheehan’s Direen.
‘Changing Times’ Blackwater/Templenoe Social History Book covers the Social History of the Blackwater/Templenoe area and is available in O’Neill’s Shop Blackwater and Quills Shop Kenmare.