The Nash Family Blackwater, winners of the recent St Vincent de Paul table quiz, pictured with Mary Ann Riney, Holy Cross Kenmare St VDP.
St VDP Kenmare would like to thank everyone who supported their recent table quiz in Brooklane including all their generous sponsors. Thanks to Brooklane for their wonderful hosting it and Tadhg for preparing the quiz. A total of €1,715 was raised.
Christmas and the winter months are the busiest times of the year for the St Vincent de Paul Society as they provide hampers, fuel, basic clothing and financial assistance to families and individuals in need.You can donate to the SVDP box in SuperValu, through the Blue Envelopes in the Post Offices, Credit Union, SuperValu and the Churches, or locally via AIB IBAN IE64AIBK9363244003186 BIC AIBKIE2D, by post to The Treasurer St VDP Kenmare, online at (choose location, Holy Cross, Kenmare0. Thank you